What projects or little fixes around the house are you afraid to tackle because you just don’t know how or don’t know where to start? We would like to hear about it! We are working on something special for our customers and would really like to know what projects you would like some help with. Continue reading “Home Improvement Projects: What projects are you afraid to tackle?”
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Contractors: With below retail prices, a cash reward program, and free leads….. why haven’t you signed up?
RTA Cabinet Store is rolling out a new contractor program! As a reward to all the contractors and builders that order from us on a daily basis, we have created an incentive program for bringing all of their kitchen cabinet and bathroom vanity business to us. Get this… in addition to the significant savings theyContinue reading “Contractors: With below retail prices, a cash reward program, and free leads….. why haven’t you signed up?”
Read MoreKitchen Design Services: Why you don’t need to hire an interior designer to get the job done
It is amazing how many customers I talk to think they need to have their kitchen professionally designed in order for it to look nice. While it may seem like an overwhelming task, it really isn’t. While we do offer a 3-D design service, I really don’t recommend it for customers unless it is forContinue reading “Kitchen Design Services: Why you don’t need to hire an interior designer to get the job done”
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