Partnering with the DIY Network

Things have been a bit hectic since getting back from the latest show we filmed for "Carter Can".   Business continues to grow, and as you may have noticed, we are adding more kitchen cabinet lines, and getting ready to increase the number of cabinet accessories that are available for each cabinet line.  In fact, it has been sooo busy that I haven’t even had a chance to upload the pictures from the last house (For everyone that has been asking for them, I apologize and plan on getting them up this week).

The exciting news is that we have been talking to some of the producers for the DIY Network and it looks like we will be shooting an episode of "$10 Grand In Your Hand" at the end of the month.   This is one of my favorite shows on the DIY channel, so I am excited that we will be able to participate.   Stay tuned for more information about the show, highlights, and photos.

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