Kitchen Cabinet Cleaning Made Easy

Kitchen cabinets are the kind of furniture that you leave and forget about until it’s time to use them. You can go weeks or months without even thinking about cleaning them. Kitchen cabinet cleaning is one of those tasks that you need to make time for every month. Add it to your list of monthly cleaning chores because how can you keep dishes clean in a cabinet that’s dirty? Your cabinets can look great and last longer if you take care of them, and that includes regular cleaning.

Clean Out DIY Kitchen Cabinets

While many of your cabinets are used for dishes, pots and pans, others store dry good, snacks and canned goods. When you use these items, food occasionally can fall out or leak into your cabinets. How many times has a little flour spilled out of the container or some panko bread crumbs made their way out of the bag and into the cabinet? It’s a good idea to clean out these cabinets and wipe up any food that may have fallen. It not only keeps the cabinets looking good, but also keeps insects and rodents from visiting. The last thing you want is to reach for some cereal and find little mouse poops.

Dust and Cobwebs in Your RTA Kitchen Cabinets

You may use your regular plates and silverware regularly throughout the week, but if you have china or silverware used for special occasions, then they can go months without being touched. Much like everything else in your house, over time, a fine layer of dust can accumulate, so when you finally grab those dishes for Christmas or another special occasion, you end up having to wash them again. Idle dishes are also perfect places of spiders to set up shop and build cobwebs. You can eliminate this by occasionally dusting these areas and taking out both the dust and the cobwebs.

Kitchen Cabinet Liquid Messes Should Be Cleaned Right Away

When the mess is a liquid, you do not want to wait on cleaning it up. If something leaks onto the cabinet surface, then it could end up permanently staining or even hurting the protective coating. This could lead to problems with mold, rotting and warping. It’s best to use simple soap and water to take care of liquid problems and never use harsh abrasive cleaners. The cleaners could end up doing more harm than the stain. If the problem is a leaking can, then it may be difficult to get to it quickly, but the key to cleaning liquids is getting to them right away, so take a look inside each cabinet when you have it open.

If you’re in the market for new kitchen cabinets, then you’re in the right place. Check out our free guide that will help you get started.

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