Customer Service: How important is it?

Regardless of how big or how small the company is, there are always going to be problems that arise.  Whether there are damages during shipping, a customer isn’t satisfied with the product, or expectations are not met, every company runs into these issues.  The problem with a lot of the cabinet websites is that they dont’ actually warehouse the product or handle it themselves.  When something eventually does happen, like a cabinet getting damaged, they are very reluctant to help or replace the damaged product.  Luckily, RTA Cabinet Store carries a full supply of replacement doors, hinges, cam locks, etc.  So if a piece is damaged when you receive it or it breaks from use, we have the resources to replace your damaged/broken parts without a big hassle.

2 thoughts on “Customer Service: How important is it?

  1. Just recieved my order of cabinets. and during the process of assembling the cabinets 7 of the locking mechanisms were broken, 6 on 1 cabinet need these to finish the assembly

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