Contractors: With below retail prices, a cash reward program, and free leads….. why haven’t you signed up?

RTA Cabinet Store is rolling out a new contractor program!  As a reward to all the contractors and builders that order from us on a daily basis, we have created an incentive program for bringing all of their kitchen cabinet and bathroom vanity business to us.  Get this… in addition to the significant savings they will see from buying our cabinets (30-40% versus Home Depot and Lowes), we are actually going to give contractors and builders their money back for doing business with us! No, not all of it, but for reaching different sales levels contractors and builders will receive a percentage of their total yearly sales back.  This can add up really quick, especially for contractors and builders that are doing multiple apartment or rental unit kitchen renovations or remodels.   So with great prices and money back at the end of the year, can it get any better????  Yes it can….  we are also starting a leads program.  Since we have customers that are looking for help with installation of their new cabinets, and we have contractors that are always looking for more work, it only seems natural to match the two up.  So for contractors that are participating in our rewards program, we will forward them leads for all of our customers that are looking for help.


So with below retail prices, a cash reward program, and free leads….. why wouldn’t you sign up?

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